Friday, 15 April 2011

Cleaning up the Inbox

I thought we had a good system for our emails - I had a hotmail account to sign up for interesting deals, newsletters, etc., and we had a personal account for actual correspondence with family and friends. Then along came group buying sites - and this turned our email system upside down! It started off with sending some groupon sites for our Christmas holiday to our personal email - because we were both interested in these deals, and it was an email that we both read more frequently. Then somehow my husband's flyers started to creep in the inbox too, and one extra newsletter here and there later -- things started getting lost in the clutter, and emails from friends have started to go missing and unread. Not cool.

Then, just a couple of weeks ago, one of the group buying sites that I signed up for ended up being a scam (or so we think). We got our money back from the gift card we attempted to purchase (fyi the site was - but, they had my email and password. Not cool. So I decided to close down my hotmail, and start fresh.

Which means starting fresh with our other email too. Which means doing some electronic house cleaning.

So, our new approach is going to be: our home email (which is shared) is for just that - email. And then my hubby and I will each have our own seperate emails to use to sign up for interesting and relevant deals, newsletters, etc. - but he won't need to sift through all the groupons and etsy emails, and I won't need to wade through his Globe & Mail financial report updates (although I probably should!).

And, since I've closed my hotmail account, I'm starting with a clean slate and have to go and add anything I want to receive again. But, it was probably time to do it anyways, considering I've had my hotmail account since undergrad and there were some 2000 unread emails in my inbox. :)

So, organization can extend beyond the physical house! Feels good!

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